The 5 Second Rule is a great book to help you create an intentional life, induce confidence building and has many mindfulness benefits


Do you wonder about how to create an intentional life?  Have you ever struggled with just getting started?  Do you think about mindfulness benefits that will positively impact your life?  It could be something as simple as getting up in the morning without hitting your snooze button.  Or something complex like training for that half-marathon you have had on your bucket list for ages.  The 5 Second Rule is a great tool to guide you on this path.


Just Do The Damn Thing!  Sometimes Easier Said Than Done…


Why do we let our brains get the best of us and let procrastination set in?  Why do we struggle to do the things we want to do?   Or the things we know are good for us?


Psychological analysis explains topics such as procrastination, breaking bad habits, stress responses and neurological functioning.  However, we are sharing with you HOW to make change versus analyzing WHY we struggle.


What Tool Can Help Me With This?


Mel Robbins’ book The 5 Second Rule is a great guide to help you move past these mental roadblocks and help you start living your best life.  For instance, if you want to create an intentional life and implement confidence building strategies, this is a great book for you to read.


We love how Ms. Robbins explains The 5 Second Rule clearly.  Spoiler alert…here is the rule: anytime you are struggling with getting started on ANYTHING, count down from 5 (5-4-3-2-1) and GO!  This sounds pretty simple right?  It is!  However, there is a lot of cognitive and behavioral science that Robbins explains throughout the book to help you understand the way the Rule impacts your mind and how to properly use it.  As quoted from Mel Robbins website, “The 5 second rule is simple.  If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it.”  If that isn’t an intriguing reason to pick this book up now…then use the 5 second rule…follow the link…5-4-3-2-1 purchase it and read it!


At 240 pages, The 5 Second Rule is a quick read, perfect for your In Demand lifestyle.  Robbins uses examples from her own personal story to illustrate how she came to develop The Rule.  Most importantly, she dives into her research and what she learned about in the process of using The Rule to positively impact her own life.  Additionally, she uses lots of testimonials and shares many stories of real people who leveraged The Rule to affect change in their own life.  And she ends each chapter with a motivational quote that will make you say, “Yes!  This is what I need!”


How The 5 Second Rule Differ From Other Personal Development Books


Personal development books run the gamut from being preachy to overly scientific.  The 5 Second Rule is a happy medium that gives just enough research and solid psychological information to create trust in the process and explain what you need to know about how it works.  She doesn’t get too “woo-woo” in her encouragement to use The Rule in your own life either.  And Robbins provides tools, community and support to learn more about The 5 Second Rule beyond completing this book.


We would love to hear from you after you read the book (or maybe you have already read it and want to share!).  How have you used The Rule to positively impact your life and get mindfulness benefits?