SassyAF! Deck
Each deck has 37 unique affirmations!

Do you believe in the power of affirmations


Our mind is a powerful tool that we can use to live our best life.  We can control our thoughts, our energy and our actions.  Or…we can use it to be self-destructive, self-sabotaging and to play the role of the victim.


As In Demand Women, we are WOMEN OF ACTION!  We love to feel wanted and desired.  We love to be active in our lives.  We love to be responsible for the outcomes of our own success and to help those we love feel successful.


Sometimes life gets in our way.  Sometimes we get in our own way!  Sometimes we stray from our lane and we feel overwhelmed, burdened, desperate to find balance.


This is where the power of affirmations becomes necessary.  We need to be able to tap into our inner-being to CHOOSE to be happy and positive.  And sometimes we need a little boost.  A little external, positive trigger or motivator to remind us of that choice.


We designed this deck of affirmation cards to help you start your day with that positive trigger.  A gift of inspiration and motivation to become part of your morning routine to start your day in the right mindset.

SassyAF! Deck


While you can use these cards any way you like, we suggest folding one card in with each pair of your clean panties when you put them away in your drawer. Each morning when you wake up and select a fresh pair of underwear, you will unwrap a card that makes you feel powerful, energized and SASSY AF! *note we don’t suggest putting the cards in your underwear while wearing them!


Cards can also be tucked into your purse, briefcase, diaper bag, desk drawer or any other spot you will see them as a constant reminder of your greatness.  And of course, you can pull cards from the deck anytime you need a mental boost to make your confidence skyrocket.


Remember, you are powerful, energetic, sparkly, magical and IN DEMAND We just wanted to provide you with a little reminder of this each and every day to get you headed in the right direction!


Click here to get your deck now!