“Whether you think you can or think you can’t…your right.”–Henry Ford


This quote might seem cliché to you, but it holds so much truth, it seemed worth repeating.  When we are talking about living a healthy lifestyle as an In Demand Woman we are setting the bar HIGH.  Whether you are a full-time career woman or stay-at-home-mom…or both!…you are constantly playing the juggling game.  Have you ever felt like there are so many balls in the air you just don’t know which way to look or move?  Or had the feeling that you want to hide in a cave where no one can see you or talk to you or touch you so you can finally take some space for yourself?  Or how about the feeling of resentment that sometimes starts to creep in when you feel overwhelmed…toward your partner, your kids or even your boss?  At the end of the day, it is how you choose to deal with your life that will determine how you accomplish what you need to.


And the choices you make depend heavily on the attitude you take toward every aspect of your demanding life!  So how do you prioritize yourself, your health and your wellness?



Decide that you matter and that your health matters. Once you make this decision, the “how” is much easier.  If you decide your health matters, then you must make choices to make that a priority.  For example, you choose to wake up 30-minutes earlier so you have time for 30-minutes of movement before your day starts.  You choose to eat foods that fuel your body.  You choose to drink enough water.



By following a daily gratitude practice, you are more likely to enjoy all the balls as you are juggling them!  You don’t have to be grateful 100% of the time, but by finding joy and appreciation even in the little things, you will feel more successful as you move through your day.



It is so easy to go down the rabbit hole of self-doubt, frustration and perfectionism.  When we go down that hole, we don’t accomplish anything and we certainly don’t do anything to improve our health!  So have grace with yourself, love yourself and tell yourself every day that you are smart, kind, beautiful, loving, successful and worthy of it all!


The only thing we have 100% control over in life is our personal attitude.  We can’t control anything else, but if you want to achieve ANYTHING you can do it with the right mindset. Use these tips to find the passion within and manifest your own reality.  ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING.  And your health and wellness can easily be achieved when you know it is important!